Paediatric Ophthalmology

Dhir Hospital has the best pediatric ophthalmologists in Bhiwani, Haryana to treat ophthalmology disorders in children. 

What are the Common Eye Problems in Children?

Different eye conditions commonly seen in children can be diagnosed and treated on time with the help of pediatric ophthalmology.

  1. Congenital glaucoma

Congenital glaucoma is a condition that some babies are born with, where there is a problem with how the eye’s angle develops. This leads to increased pressure inside the eye, which can harm the optic nerve and cause lasting issues if not treated early. It is usually found between birth and three years of age. Signs include sensitivity to light and watery eyes. Doctors use various eye exams, including checking the front of the eye, examining the fundus, and measuring eye pressure (tonometry) to diagnose congenital glaucoma in children.

  1. Cataract

Paediatric cataract happens when a child’s eye lens becomes cloudy because proteins build up, blurting their vision. While cataracts are often linked to getting older, kids can also have them, known as pediatric cataracts. Even new-borns can be affected. Paediatric eye doctors use exams to spot paediatric cataracts early, checking for things like an irregular or missing red reflection. Finding and treating these cataracts early is important for a child’s eyesight.

  1. Refractive Errors

Kids can have vision issues called refractive errors, causing problems like near-sightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism. These issues make vision blurry or poor and can even lead to a lazy eye. While these changes can’t be stopped, a paediatric eye doctor can find them early using special eye exams. If a problem is found, the doctor can fix it with glasses or contact lenses to help the child see better.

4.Squint or Strabismus

Squint or strabismus is when a child’s eyes point in different directions. It’s a common eye issue in kids and can lead to vision loss if not found early. This vision loss is called amblyopia and could become permanent if not treated in time. Squint can happen in babies and young children, and it’s crucial to catch it early with the help of a paediatric eye doctor. Sometimes, it’s present from birth, or vision issues can cause it. Paediatric eye doctors use eye exams and regular check-ups to spot and treat squints.

In addition to squint, other eye problems in children include retinopathy and drooping upper eyelids. Suppose a child has symptoms like blurry vision, cloudy vision, watery eyes, or red eyes. In that case, it’s important to recognize these signs and see a pediatric eye doctor early for diagnosis and treatment.

How often should you see a paediatric ophthalmologist?

Regular checkups with a paediatric eye doctor, a specialist in children’s eye health, are essential. Your child’s pediatrician will perform a basic eye check at birth, but scheduling appointments with paediatric eye specialists for thorough examinations is crucial. Infants should undergo their first eye check within six months of birth, followed by regular checkups every 1 or 2 years. Paediatric eye specialists use specific examinations to identify potential issues early, ensuring timely treatment and preventing complications. Including visits to paediatric eye doctors in your child’s healthcare routine is vital for maintaining good eye health.


  1. Developmental Issues: Problems with developing a child’s eyes can lead to pediatric eye conditions.
  2. Congenital Conditions: Some eye issues, like squint or lazy eye, are present at birth.
  3. Refractive Errors: Nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism can affect a child’s vision.
  4. Diseases and Infections: Certain diseases or infections can impact the eyes and lead to pediatric eye problems.
  5. Regular Checkups: Regular visits to a pediatric eye doctor are crucial for early detection and proper treatment of eye issues in children.


  1. Regular Checkups: Make it a habit to take your child for an eye checkup every year.
  2. Silent Symptoms: Since little ones may not express eye issues, regular checkups are vital for the pediatric eye doctor to spot problems.
  3. Early Detection: If you notice any signs of eye trouble in your child, bring them to the doctor as soon as possible.
  4. Family History Matters: If anyone in the family wears glasses, especially parents or siblings, consider bringing the child in for a checkup. Family history can play a role in eye health.
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Frequently Ask Questions.

 Paediatric Ophthalmology is a branch of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of eye conditions and diseases in children. It involves specialized care for infants, toddlers, children, and adolescents with various eye disorders.

 Some common eye conditions in children include refractive errors (e.g., near-sightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism), amblyopia (lazy eye), strabismus (crossed or misaligned eyes), congenital cataracts, congenital glaucoma, and eye infections.

Paediatric Ophthalmology differs from regular Ophthalmology in that it specifically deals with the unique eye care needs of children. Children's eyes are still developing, and they require specialized techniques, equipment, and expertise to diagnose and treat their eye conditions effectively. Paediatric Ophthalmologists are trained to handle the specific challenges associated with treating young patients.