Eye Bank

Empowering sight, one donation at a time – welcome to the heart of our Eye Bank.

Eyes of Empathy: Illuminate Lives with Our Eye Bank

The Eye Bank at Dhir Hospital is a specialized facility that collects, evaluates, and stores donated eyes for corneal transplantation. It is dedicated to providing quality eye tissue for individuals in need of corneal transplantation surgery. The eye bank follows strict protocols to ensure the safety and suitability of donated eye tissues. Donors are screened thoroughly to identify any potential risks or contraindications. Once the eyes are donated, they are evaluated for quality and compatibility with potential recipients.

The Eye Bank at Dhir Hospital plays a crucial role in facilitating corneal transplantation surgeries, which can restore vision and improve the quality of life for individuals with corneal diseases or injuries.

Visionaries Unite: Transforming Tomorrows at Our Eye Bank

At our eye bank, we are dedicated to transforming tomorrows for individuals in need of corneal transplantation. Our mission is to provide the gift of sight by collecting, evaluating, and distributing donated eyes for transplantation surgeries. Through our meticulous screening and evaluation process, we ensure that the donated eyes are safe and suitable for transplantation. Our team of skilled professionals works tirelessly to match the donated corneas with recipients, giving them a renewed chance at clear vision and improved quality of life.

We are committed to staying at the forefront of advancements in eye care and technology. By innovations and collaborating with experts in the field, we try to continuously improve the transplantation process and provide the best possible outcomes for our patients. Transforming tomorrows is not just about restoring sight – it’s about empowering individuals to lead fulfilling lives, pursue their dreams, and contribute to society. We are proud to be a part of this transformative journey through our Eye Bank at Dhir Hospital.

In the act of giving sight, we illuminate the world with hope.

Our Eye Bank—where kindness meets vision, turning moments of generosity into a clearer, brighter world for all.